%0 Journal Article %T 核心劳工标准约束下的居民人均收入——基于国别数据的实证研究<br>Per Capital Income Under the Constraints of Core Labor Standards——The Empirical Research Based on the Data in Countries %A 侯俊军 %A 张 %A 佩 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 核心劳工标准包括四个不同方面,文章除了探讨其单个方面对居民人均收入的影响外,还就其四个方面的综合影响进行了研究,并进一步探讨了其对国内收入差距的影响。实证研究结果表明:禁止童工对居民人均收入的增长和收入差距的缩小具有积极的影响,但禁止强迫劳动、结社与集体谈判自由则会产生消极的阻碍作用,至于反对就业歧视则影响不显著,而四个方面共同作用时的综合影响则不利于居民人均收入的增长和收入差距的缩小。<br>Because the core labor standards include four different aspects, we not only investgate the impact of singal aspects ,we also study the comprehensive effect of four different aspects when they work together.And we further discuss its impact on domestic income gap on the basis of studying the core labor standard impact on a country's overall income level changes .The results of the empirical study show that:banning child labor has a positive impact on growth of per capital income and narrowing the income gap, but banning forced labor, freedom of association and collective bargaining will have negative effect, to objoction employment discrimination the effect was not significant.And the final comprehensive influence, when four aspects of core labor standards work together, is harmful to per capital income and narrowing the income gap in developing countries. %K 核心劳工标准 居民人均收入 国内收入差距< %K br> %K core labour standards per capital income domestic income gap %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180111&flag=1