%0 Journal Article %T 朱熹与张栻、吕祖谦互动述略<br>Interaction of Zhu Xi, Zhang Shi and Lü Zuqian %A (美国)田 %A 浩 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 朱熹与同时代的思想家张栻、吕祖谦等围绕共同尊奉的儒家经典,在治学方法、道德思想和政治目标等各个方面进行了持续不断的讨论。20世纪及以前的学者对朱熹同时代学者的研究大多着眼于朱熹对他们的看法,此外这些学者倾向于将朱熹刻画成独特的思想家,同时对其天才式的思想表示赞扬。即使有学者对朱熹思想体系表示不满,也仍倾向于反映朱熹对其同时代儒者的批评。20世纪90年代出现一个重要的转折,东西方学者开始关注与朱熹同时代的儒家,并具体结合时代背景对他们开展研究,学界不但对朱熹同时代的儒家给予了更高的评价,而且还认为他们对朱熹及其思想产生了重要的影响。<br>Zhu Xi and his contemporary thinkers, such as Zhang Shi and Lü Zuqian, centered on a shared respect for the Confucian classics, and engaged in sustained and continuous discussions of various aspects of methods for disciplined learning, ethics, thought, and political goals, etc. The research of twentieth-century and earlier scholars mostly adopted Zhu Xi's views of his contemporaries; moreover, these scholars were prone to portray Zhu Xi as a matchless thinker and praised his unique intellectual genius. His influence even affected those scholars who expressed dissatisfaction with Zhu Xi because they still reflected Zhu Xi's criticisms of his contemporaries.There was a significant shift in the direction of scholarship in the early 1990s when scholars in East Asia and the West began taking greater interest in, and a closer look at, Zhu Xi's contemporaries; moreover, their more open-minded research specifically focused on the historical context of the era. Since the early 1190s, scholars have not only made higher evaluations of Zhu Xi's contemporaries, but also recognized the important influence that Zhu Xi's contemporaries had upon him and his thinking. %K 朱熹 张栻 吕祖谦 %K 道学 当代儒学研究< %K br> %K Zhu Xi Zhang Shi Lü Zu-qian Daoxue contemporary confucian research %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180103&flag=1