%0 Journal Article %T 重铸与元语言提示对英语附加问句语调习得的影响<br>Effects of Recast and Metalinguistic Clues on the Acquisitionof Intonation Patterns of Tag Questions %A 唐轶雯 %A 陈晓湘 %A 张瀚丹 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 为研究重铸与元语言提示对学习者英语附加问句语调习得的影响,本研究挑选的被试人为36名非英语专业大二学生,随机分成重铸组、元语言提示组和控制组,每组12人,采用“前测-即时后测-延时后测”的实验设计,分析后得出以下结论。1)重铸与元语言提示都对英语附加问句语调习得有促进作用,元语言提示比重铸的效果更持久;2)元语言提示组产生的接纳与附加问句语调习得呈正相关,而重铸组产生的接纳与其目标结构习得太大相关性。<br>This paper reports the effects of recast and metalinguistic clues on Chinese learners’ acquisition of intonation patterns of English tag questions. 36 non-English majors as participants were recruited and divided into 3 groups: recast group, metalinguistic clues groups and control group. A pretest + immediate posttest+ delayed posttest research design was adopted. Based on the analysis, we reach the following conclusions: 1) both recast and metalinguistic clues could facilitate learners’ acquisition of intonation patterns of tag questions; and metalinguistic clues were more effective than recasts; 2) the learners’ uptake from metalinguistic clues was proved to be significantly correlated with their acquisition of intonation patterns of tag questions, yet the learners’ uptake from recasts was weakly related to the acquisition of the target structure. %K 英语附加问句 语调 重铸 元语言提示 接纳< %K br> %K English tag question intonation recast metalinguistic clues uptake %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180415&flag=1