%0 Journal Article %T 章太炎“新四书”的建构及其晚年的国学观<br>Construction of Zhang Tai-yan's New-four books and His View of Chinese Culture in His Later Years %A 张 %A 天 %A 杰 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 章太炎晚年提出以《孝经》《大学》《儒行》《丧服》组成“新四书”,作为“十三经”之总持、国学之统宗。“新四书”体系的建构,意味着打破程朱理学的“四书”体系,回归于原始儒学,并对阳明心学有部分认同。之所以反对程朱的“四书”,是因为《中庸》《论语》《孟子》三书包含了“性天”之类“超人格”言论,与西学影响下现代哲学、史学、科学相近,而与原始儒学的“修己治人之道”有所不符,故而必须被取代。章太炎作为20世纪文化保守主义和国粹派的代表,他的新“四书”体系及其晚年的国学观,对于当下重新思考儒学或国学的承继仍有其参考意义。<br>In his later years, Zhang Tai-yan proposed that New-four books should be composed of Xiao-jing, Daxue, Ruxing and Sangfu. As a general summary of the Shisan-jing and the basic key points of the traditional Chinese culture, the construction of the system of New-four books means breaking the New-four books system of Neo-Confucianism, to return to original Confucianism, and to identify partly with Wang Yangmings' school. The reason for his opposing Zhu Xi's New-four books is that the three books of Zhongyong, Lunyu and Menzi contain such remarks beyond personality as humanity and heaven. It is similar to modern philosophy, historiography and science under the influence of western science, but it is not consistent with the way of cultivating oneself and governing people of original Confucianism. So it must be replaced. Zhang Tai-yan was a representative of cultural conservatism and Quintessence School in the 20th century. His New-four books system and his view of Chinese culture in his later years still is of their reference significance for rethinking the inheritance of Confucianism or Chinese culture at present %K 章太炎 “新四书” 国学观 理学 儒学< %K br> %K Zhang Tai-yan New-four books the view of Chinese culture Neo-Confucianism Confucianism %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180407&flag=1