%0 Journal Article %T 新世纪以来故宫题材纪录片的演变路径及成因探析<br>Analysis on the Evolution Path and Causes of Palace Museum Documentary since the New Century %A 谢 %A 莹 %A 胡凤美 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 故宫作为一个极具代表性的中国文化符号,与其有关的纪录片创作历来是我国历史文化类纪录片创作的一个极其重要的组成部分。新世纪以来,史学观念的转变、传媒的市场化发展、国际文化交流的加强、“民族复兴”的精神指引等因素使故宫题材纪录片在叙述对象、结构设计、表现手法方面都呈现出了明显的趋势性变化。本文通过几部代表性故宫纪录片的分析,清晰地梳理出其演变路径,并深入思考纪实影像如何更好地讲述故宫的故事。<br>The Imperial Palace is a representative Chinese cultural symbol. The documentary creation related to it has always been an extremely important part of the historical and cultural documentary creation in China. Since the new century, the changes in the concept of history, the development of media in the market, the strengthening of international cultural exchanges, and the spiritual guidance of “national revival” have made the documentaries of the theme of the palace exhibit obvious changes in terms of narrative objects, structural design, and expression techniques. Through an analysis of several representative documentaries, this article will clearly sort out its evolution path and deeply think about how documentary can tell a good story of the Imperial Palace . %K 故宫题材 纪录片 演变路径< %K br> %K theme of the Imperial Palace documentary evolution path %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180422&flag=1