%0 Journal Article %T 企业家、高管团队和我国中小企业国际化<br>Roles of Entrepreneurs and Top Management Team on the Internationalization of Chinese SMEs %A 王增涛 %A 余 %A 洁 %A 李依颖 %A 龚升瑞 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 以国际创业理论和高阶理论为基础,手工收集2011-2015年在深圳中小板和创业板上市的中小型制造企业样本数据,实证研究了我国企业家和高管团队人口统计学特征对中小企业国际化的影响。结果表明:第一,企业家和高管团队均对中小企业国际化产生了影响。企业家的任期和海外经验对企业国际化有正向影响、年龄对企业国际化有负向影响,生产型或输出型的职能背景更有利于企业国际化;高管团队的年龄、学历与企业国际化负相关,海外经验与企业国际化正相关。第二,企业家和高管团队人口统计学特征的交互作用检验结果表明,年龄的交互作用对企业国际化有显著负向影响,而性别和海外经验的交互作用均与企业国际化有显著的正向关系。<br>We build on the Theory of International New Ventures and Upper Echelons Theory to predict the relationship between Chinese SMEs internationalization and demographic characteristics of entrepreneurs and TMTs. Using hand-collected data of a sample of manufacturing SMEs listed on the SME board and ChiNext board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2011-2015, we demonstrate that firstly, both entrepreneur and TMT have influence on SME's internationalization. Entrepreneur's tenure, overseas experience and functional background have positive effects while age has negative effects on SME's internationalization. For TMT, their age and educational background have negative influence while their overseas experience has a positive relationship. Secondly, we further explore the interaction of entrepreneurs and TMT's demographic characteristics on SMEs internationalization. Results show that the intersection of age has a significant negative impact on the internationalization of Chinese SMEs; not only the interactions of entrepreneurs and TMT gender but their foreign experience has a significant positive influence on Chinese SMEs’ internationalization. %K 企业家 高管团队 中小企业国际化< %K br> %K entrepreneur TMT SMEs internationalization %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180209&flag=1