%0 Journal Article %T 代理显名主义的例外<br>On the Breakthrough of Named Principal of the Agency %A 龙翼飞 %A 高一寒 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X “显名主义”虽然是我国代理制度的基本原则,但是也承认非显名的代理。在某些特殊情况下,虽然代理人没有明确指明被代理人的名称,但是法律行为的后果仍然直接归属于被代理人。此类特殊情况可以总结成为:行为所关涉之人而实施的行为、未指名被代理人姓名的代理、与企业相关的法律行为,它们被称为“特殊的显名代理”。然而,与之不同的是德国法中的“间接代理”和英国法中的“隐藏代理”。虽然我国《合同法》第402条规定了受托人“以自己的名义”订立合同时合同的效力归属,但是这与“间接代理”和“隐藏代理”都不完全相同,修订《合同法》时应重新检视第402条。<br>Although "named principal" is the basic principle of China's agency system, exceptions, although the agent does not explicitly list the name of the public agent, the consequences of legal acts are directly attributable to the agent. Such a special case can be summed up as the act of the person involved in the act, the agency of the unnamed agent's name, and the legal act related to the enterprise. In these cases, although the agent does not act in the name of the agent accordingly , it still belongs to the famous agent. The indirect agent is different from the direct one. In an indirect agent, the agent conducts legal action in its own name, and the legal consequences occur between the agent and the relative person of the transaction. The 402nd contract law of China is different from the indirect agent in the German civil law, and the agency system in the English law is not the same. It shows the unique characteristics of our agency system. %K 代理 显名主义 间接代理 隐名代理< %K br> %K agency named principal indirect agency named agency %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180520&flag=1