%0 Journal Article %T 魏源“别开阃域”的公羊学<br>Weiyuan’s Creative Transformation of Gongyang Study %A 郑 %A 任 %A 钊 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 魏源以“为《公羊春秋》别开阃域”为职志,以推动社会变革为目标,对公羊学进行了创造性的发挥。他的“三世”说虽有背于公羊“三世”的传统说法,但其中“拨乱反治”的追求与历史进化的观念却与公羊“三世”说是一致的。他的“三统”说注重制度的“因革损益”,注重对不同制度与文化的吸收,主张学习西方制度。他在夷夏观上提出夷狄不仅可以进于诸夏而且可超越诸夏,更主张不以夷狄视西方。他的“大一统”说没有了“尊王”之义,而是把视野放到了全世界,向往环球一家、万国同吭。<br>Weiyuan made the creative transformation of Gongyang Study for the purpose of promoting social change. His “SanShi” theory inherited the spirit of traditional Gongyang Study in adopting the concept of historical evolution, but differed from the forms. His “SanTong” theory emphasized institutional changes and proposed to learn from the Western political systems. His standing in the “Sino-barbarian dichotomy” included that the Westerners were not barbarian and that they could surpass Chinese in civilization. His “Great Unification Theory” replaced the traditional concept of “Respecting the King” with the pursuit of global harmony. %K 三世 三统 夷夏观 大一统 西学< %K br> %K SanShi theory SanTong theory the Sino-barbarian dichotomy Great Unification Theory Western learning %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180505&flag=1