%0 Journal Article %T 清代才媛陈蕴莲战乱纪事诗谫论<br>A Study of the Poems on Wars Wriitten by Chen Yun-lian,a Talented Woman in Qing Dynasty %A 尹楚兵 %A 李金梅 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 在男外女内界划分明的中国传统社会,时政题材历来是男性作家的专利。传统女性长期囿于闺阁内闱的狭小天地以及深受女教思想的束缚,普遍缺乏自觉的政治关怀和国家意识。女性书写也因之基本局限于个人生活的记录和个人情绪的抒写,极少关注国家政治与时代兴衰等重大题材。随着女性文化程度的普遍提高以及女性逐渐走出闺阁,明末清初以来,特别是清代道光、咸丰年间,这种格局悄然发生了变化,部分知识女性开始自觉关注社会政治和时局动荡。在这些女性文人中,江南才媛陈蕴莲是其中较为突出且尚未得到充分重视的一位。文章以其战乱纪事诗为中心,就陈蕴莲对女性创作传统的突破作了详细阐述,并尝试剖析其成因。<br>The current affairs had always been a male writer's patent in traditional Chinese society that men played the key role in the society while women were confined to the family chores. The traditional women were generally lack of concern for politics and national consciousness because of their long life in the small world of the boudoir and the deep influence of female education thought. Their writing was basically confined to the writing of personal life and personal emotions, thus little was concerned about national politics and the rise and fall of the times. The situation had changed quietly with the general improvement of women's educational level and women's walking out of their families from the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, especially in DaoGuang and XianFeng times of Qing Dynasty. Some intellectual women began to consciously pay close attention to social and political unrest, Chen Yunlian is one of the more prominent and has not yet been fully valued. Centered in the poems which faithfully reflected the wars, this thesis makes a detailed exposition on Chen Yunlian's breakthrough in the traditional pattern of female writing, and attempts to analyze the causes. %K 陈蕴莲 战乱纪事诗 诗史精神 自我意识< %K br> %K Chen Yun-lian the poems on the wars the spirit of poems self-consciousness %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180116&flag=1