%0 Journal Article %T 马克思主义市场扩张视角下的资本主义发展阶段——资本主义历史分期的一种新尝试<br>Developmental Stages of Capitalism from the Perspective of Marxism's Market Expansion——A New Attempt on the Historical Stages of Capitalism %A 兰俏枝 %A 高德步 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 第一次产业革命后资本主义发展的历史,是在“限扩张的生产和有限扩张的市场”矛盾运动中踉跄前行的历史,市场扩张是矛盾的主要方面。从马克思主义市场扩张角度看,产业革命后的资本主义发展可以分为三个阶段:资本主义生产与现实市场扩张矛盾主导阶段,资本主义生产与未来市场扩张矛盾主导阶段,资本主义生产与虚假市场扩张矛盾主导阶段。资本主义生产与虚假市场扩张矛盾主导阶段是资本主义发展的最后阶段。市场在时间和空间上将再扩张的余地,“虚假需求”生产制造的人类必然的精神痛苦构成资本主义自我否定的动力源泉,“资本主义必然灭亡,社会主义必然胜利”的预言将在第三阶段以必然形式出现。<br>The history of the development of capitalism after the first industrial revolution, is a stumble history in the contradiction of“the unlimited expansion of production and the limited expansion of the market”. Market expansion is the main aspect of the contradiction. From the perspective of Marxism's market expansion, the development of capitalism after the industrial revolution can be divided into three stages: the dominant stage of the contradiction between capitalist production and real market expansion, the dominant stage of the contradiction between capitalistic production and future market expansion and the dominant stage of the contradiction between capitalistic production and false market expansion. The dominant stage of the contradiction between capitalistic production and false market expansion is the last stage of the development of capitalism. Market will have no room for expansion in time and space. The inevitable spiritual pain of human being produced by the "false demand" constitutes the power source of the self denial of capitalism. The prophecy of "the inevitable destruction of capitalism and the inevitable victory of socialism" will appear in the third stage as an inevitable form. %K 资本主义 市场扩张 发展阶段 当代资本主义 虚假需求< %K br> %K capitalism market expansion development stage contemporary capitalism false demand %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180306&flag=1