%0 Journal Article %T 岳麓书院藏秦简始皇禁伐树木诏考异<br>A Study of Emperor Qin Shihuang's Ban on Cutting Trees As Seen in Qin Slips Collected by Yuelu Academy %A 于 %A 振 %A 波 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 秦始皇二十六年,统一事业刚刚完成,有很多重要的政务需要君臣协同处理,皇帝出巡,既充足的时间,也乏充分的理由。更重要的是,秦始皇二十八年出巡时,曾下令伐木赭山以惩罚敢于兴风作浪的湘山之神湘君,如果禁伐树木诏发布于二十六年,二十八年以后将失去法律效力。岳麓书院藏秦简中的秦律令抄录于秦末,说明这条诏令直到此时仍然具有法律效力,也证明其发布时间应该在秦始皇二十九年的出巡期间。<br>While the cause of unification had just been completed and there were many important government affairs which need to be handled by the monarch and his subjects in the 26th year of Emperor Qin Shihuang, the emperor did not have enough time and sufficient reason to go on a tour. More importantly, it was in the 28th year when Emperor Qin Shihuang visited the Xiangshan Mountains and ordered to deforest and paint the mountains ochre as punishement for Xiangjun, the god of Xiangshan Mountain, who dared to stir up troubles. If the ban on cutting trees was issued in the 26th year, it would lose legal effect after the 28th year. The Qin laws and decrees in Qin slips collected by Yuelu Academy were copied at the end of Qin Dynasty, which indicated that the edict still had legal effect until that time, and that the issuing time should be during Qin Shihuang's tour of the 29th year. %K 岳麓书院藏秦简 秦始皇 禁伐树木诏< %K br> %K Qin slips collected by Yuelu Academy Emperor Qin Shihuang the ban on cutting trees %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180307&flag=1