%0 Journal Article %T 中国对外分层传播目标国选择的理论与方法<br>Theories and Methods of Target Country Selection in China's External Stratified Communication %A 向志强 %A 何文君 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 分析了中国对外分层传播目标国选择的理论与方法,认为只有符合中国国家利益且能取得理想传播效果的国家,才能成为中国对外传播目标国;目标国分层传播是中国对外分层传播的基础;对外传播目标国分层依据主要为国家利益、国家距离、国际影响力等三维度指标,而三维度指标的内在关系表现为“倒品字”模型、空间直角坐标模型以及引力数学模型;中国对外分层传播目标国选择的三种方法分别为空间直角坐标法、适宜传播指数法以及聚类分析法。<br>This paper systematically analyzes the theories and methods of the selection of target countries in China's external stratified communication. We believe the countries that meet China's national interests and achieve the desired effect of communication can be the target countries. The stratified target countries is the basis of China's stratified communication. The stratification of target countries for external communication is mainly based on the three dimensional index, which are national interest, national distance and international influence. The internal relations of the these index are manifested as "Inverted Pin" model, spatial cartesian coordinate model and gravity model. The three ways to select the target countries of China's external stratified communication are spatial cartesian coordinate method, appropriate propagation Index method and cluster analysis. %K 对外分层传播 目标国 理论 方法< %K br> %K China's external stratified communication target countries theories methods %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180323&flag=1