%0 Journal Article %T 凝士以礼:理学导向下的湘军“节制”机制分析<br>Gathering the Intellectual by Rituals: Analysis on Self-Control Mechanism Guided by Neo-Confucianism in Xiangjun Army %A 汤 %A 浩 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 湘军具有与历代军队完全不同的节制机制,是一支以理学维系的新军系。咸同湘军以理学作为节制之道,培植政治和文化的双重权威结构,体现出独特的精神风貌和文化特色。湘军在其应对艰巨的经世过程中,逐步形成了以礼为宗,以诚为心,以术为辅的治军经世之道。<br>Xiangjun military group was different from other armies in Chinese history by its special self-control mechanism new military system guided by Neo-Confucianism.Xiangjun military group of XianTong period directed the situation and held the group by the theory of Neo-Confucianism,and created a double authority of both policy and culture. It was known by its special spirit and cultural characteristic. In the pragmatism process dealing with the turmoil of the society,Xiangjun military group formed its principle gradually guided by rituals,based on the virtual of sincerity ,assisted by politics. %K 咸同湘军 以礼治军 节制机制< %K br> %K Xiangjun military group of XianTong period in late Qing Dynasty managing the army by rituals self-control mechanism %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180205&flag=1