%0 Journal Article %T 先秦文献中“尚书”非经书名综考<br>Atudy on the Words of Shangshu in the Documents of Earlier Qin Dynasty %A 白 %A 立 %A 超 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 先秦文献中“尚书”的表达仅两处。一处在传世文献《墨子·明鬼下》中,此处的“尚书”并非经书名,也非讹误,而是《夏书》的修饰语;“尚”是表尊崇的程度副词,反映了墨子对大禹以及《夏书》的极度推崇。另一处在出土文献帛书《要》中,此处的“尚书”也并非经书名,而是指所有“上古的典籍”;“尚”是表时间语词,为了突出《周易》的特殊地位。因此,“尚书”在先秦文献中均与经书名《尚书》关。<br>The Words Shangshu appeared twice in the documents of Earlier Qin Dynasty. One was in the ancient documents of Mozi. It was neither the name of Confucian classics nor the errors of Chinese characters. It was the modifier and homage of Xia Shu. It reflected homage to Da Yu and Xia Shu in Mozi. Another one was in the unearthed documents of Yao. It was not the name of Confucianism's documents. It was the meaning of all the ancient books . It was a time concept to show the important special status Zhou Yi, Consequently, the author maintained that Shangshu was not the name of Confucianism's documents in earlier Qin Dynasty. %K “尚书” 《墨子》 《要》 经书名< %K br> %K Shagnshu Mo Zi Yao the name of Confucianism's documents %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180217&flag=1