%0 Journal Article %T “网上追逃”研究<br>On “Pursuing Escapees Through Network” %A 王 %A 飞 %A 跃 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X “网上追逃”不仅涉及刑事诉讼中的侦查、审查起诉中的犯罪嫌疑人、审判阶段的被告人,也涉及刑罚执行阶段的罪犯,而且涉及监察案件的被调查人,因而并不仅仅属于侦查措施或者侦查活动。“网上追逃”的根本目的在于强制在逃人员恢复法定状态。强制恢复法定状态的措施主要包括异地拘留逮捕的协助执行、先行拘留、证抓捕,以及由此发生相应的讯问、羁押、押解等相关活动。“网上追逃”应当从适用规范及权利保护两个方面进行规范。<br>Pursuing escapes through network not only relates with suspects during investigation and the people's procuratorates’ examination for decision, but also with defendants, criminals, and persons invested by supervisory commission, so pursuing escapes through network can not be categorized as specialized investigatory work. The aim of pursuing escapes through network is to reset the escapees to wanted condition required by law. These measures in pursuing escapes through network include assistant execution of arrest and detention, and seizure without approval, and following interrogation, detention, etc. The provisions should be perfected by taking regulating execution and rights protection into consideration. %K 网上追逃 恢复法定状态 证抓捕< %K br> %K pursuing escapes through network reset the escapees to wanted condition required by law seizure without approval %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180320&flag=1