%0 Journal Article %T 技术进步、保险保障与农民收入——基于东中西部地区地级单位的面板GMM方法<br>Technological Progress, Insurance Guarantee and Farmers' Income Based on Data of Prefecture Level Units in the Eastern, Middle and Western Regions with Panel GMM Method %A 费 %A 清 %A 江生忠 %A 丁 %A 宁 %J 财经理论与实践 %D 2018 %X 使用面板GMM方法,对我国322个地级行政单位2007-2015年数据进行实证研究,结果发现,总体上农业技术进步与农业保险保障对农民收入具有正向作用,但部分区域存在不同结论;同时,农业技术与农业保险的协同效应并没有在保障农民收入方面很好地发挥作用。为此,在政策制定过程中,一方面应重视区域间的差异性,另一方面应强化技术与保障两种工具之间的协同效应。<br>Using the panel GMM method, an empirical study is conducted of data of 322 prefecture level administrative units in China during 2007-2015. The results show that, overall, agricultural technology progress and agricultural insurance guarantee have positive effects on Farmers' income, but there are different conclusions in some areas. At the same time, the synergistic effect of agricultural technology and agricultural insurance does not play a good role in ensuring farmers' income. Therefore, in the process of policy making, on the one hand, we should pay attention to the differences between regions; on the other hand, we should strengthen the synergies between the two tools of technology and security. %K 技术进步 保险保障 农民收入 保险科技< %K br> %K technological progress insurance guarantee farmer's income insurance science and technology %U http://hdxbcjb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180415&flag=1