%0 Journal Article %T 论仲裁裁决书的物权变动效力<br>Discussion of the Effectiveness of Real Right Changes According to Arbitration %A 郑鹏程 %A 陈 %A 星 %J 财经理论与实践 %D 2018 %X 依据物权变动的发生根据,物权变动可以分为基于法律行为而发生的物权变动以及非基于法律行为而发生的物权变动。非基于法律行为的物权变动也需要满足物权法所规定的公示公信效力,赋予某一项法律文书物权变动的效力,必须考量公示公信原则和法律效力类型两个方面的问题。故因仲裁裁决书未能达到物权变动的公示公信主义要求,《物权法》第28条宜适时作相应限缩修改。<br>According to the reasons, changes of real right can be attributed to legal acts and non-legal acts. The changes of real right due to non-legal acts should also satisfy the effectiveness of publication for public credibility, which is executed according to the Jus Rerum. When validating the changes of real right according to legal instrument, people should take the principle of publication for public credibility and types of legal effects into consideration. Since arbitration cannot meet the requirement of public credibility for changes of real right, the Article 28 of the Jus Rerum ought to be modified. %K 仲裁裁决书 物权变动 物权公示< %K br> %K arbitration changes of real right publication of real right %U http://hdxbcjb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180623&flag=1