%0 Journal Article %T 电商协会提升农村电商产业集群竞争力的作用<br>Role of E-commerce Association in Promoting Competitiveness of Rural E-commerce Industrial Cluster %A 曹荣庆 %A 沈俊杰 %A 张 %A 静 %J 西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 电子商务协会在提升农村电子商务产业集群竞争力中发挥了重要作用。基于对遂昌模式的案例分析,结合相关行业协会理论和产业集群竞争力理论,总结梳理电子商务协会在争取、培育和壮大钻石模型方面发挥的重要作用,分析其行为逻辑与机理。研究发现:电子商务协会提升农村电子商务产业集群竞争力源于发挥市场补充作用,弥补市场失灵;发挥市场支持作用,弥补政府失灵的行为逻辑;电子商务协会通过高效的内部治理获取会员内部资源,通过承接政府职能转移汲取外部资源,并依靠其自身能力的提高整合相关资源,最终提升农村电子商务产业集群竞争力。<br>E-commerce association has played an important role in enhancing the competitiveness of rural e-commerce industrial cluster. Based on the case analysis of Suichang mode and combined with relevant industry association theory and industrial cluster competitiveness theory, this article summarizes and combs the important role of the e-commerce association in striving for, cultivating and strengthening the six elements of the diamond model, and explains its behavioral logic and mechanism. In particular, e-commerce association could enhance the competitiveness of rural e-commerce industrial cluster, basing on the two behavioral logic, the one is to play a complementary role in the market to make up for market failure, the other one is to play a role in market support to make up for the government failure. E-commerce Association could obtain the members of internal resources through efficient internal governance, ultimately enhance the competitiveness of rural e-commerce industrial cluster through the transfer of government functions, drawing on external resources, and relying on its own ability to improve the integration of related resources. %K 电子商务协会 农村电子商务 产业集群 竞争力 遂昌模式< %K br> %K e-commerce association rural e-commerce industry cluster competitiveness Suichang mode %U http://www.xnxbs.net/xbnlkjdxskb/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180110&flag=1