%0 Journal Article %T 农地产权制度与征地补偿制度关联互动改革<br>Interactive Reform Between Land Property System and Land Requisition Compensation System %A 刘灵辉 %J 西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 清晰界定农地产权体系构成以及单项权利的主体归属,科学测算单项权利的功能价值,剥离单项权利之间的价值交叉,据此确定征地补偿标准与收益分配,实现农地产权制度与征地补偿制度关联互动改革,具有理论与现实的合理性。同时,农民行使不同类型的土地处分权会诱发农地权利的差异化变动,造成农地权利在多个利益主体之间产生事实上的分割共享或者权利归属主体发生彻底转移。另外,农民享有的土地承包经营权属于用益物权,是一项重要的财产权利,理应作为遗产被继承。土地承包经营权继承亦会导致农地权利主体归属的转移。因此,在土地征收时,其他单位、个人通过市场交易或者继承获得的农地权利会随之丧失,他们应享有征地补偿收益分配请求权。故而,充分考虑土地处分、土地继承对征地补偿收益分配格局的影响,亦是农地产权制度与征地补偿制度关联互动改革不容忽视的问题。<br>If we want to determine accurately compensation standards for acquisition of rural land and income distribution pattern, the following things need to be executed step by step:firstly, defining clearly rural land property rights system and subject of each individual right;secondly, measuring scientifically the value of each individual right;and finally, exfoliating value cross among different individual rights. It has theoretical and practical rationality to promote relevant interactive reform between rural land property system and land requisition compensation system. Different legal consequences will come into being when the farmers carry out different types of land disposal right, and there are two possible outcomes, one farmland right will be shared among a number of stakeholders, or one farmland right will be transferred to other rights subject. Because land contractual management right is one kind of important property rights to farmers, land contractual management right should be inherited as a legacy, however, the inheritance of land contractual management right equally results in the complete transfer of ownership of rural land rights. In the process of land requisition, rural land right, whether real rights or credit rights, obtained by other units or individuals through market transactions or inheritance will eliminate simultaneously, so they also have right of claim to participate in sharing income distribution. Taking full account of the impact of land disposal and land inheritance on the distribution pattern is also an important issue of relevant interactive reform between rural land property system and land requisition compensation system. %K 农地产权体系 征地补偿标准 收益分配格局 土地处分权 土地继承< %K br> %K rural land property right system land requisition compensation standard income distribution pattern right of land disposal land inheritance right %U http://www.xnxbs.net/xbnlkjdxskb/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180104&flag=1