%0 Journal Article %T 电商平台、熟人社会与农村特色产业集群——沙集“淘宝村”的案例<br>E-commerce Platform, Acquaintance Society and Rural Distinctive Industrial Clusters——Case Study of “Taobao Villages” in Shaji Town %A 薛 %A 洲 %A 耿献辉 %J 西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 缺乏产业基础的一些农村区域,依托电子商务,也从到有形成了特色产业集群。以江苏沙集“淘宝村”作为案例,分析电商背景下农村特色产业集群的形成机制。结果表明:农民对电子商务的运用降低了其进入市场壁垒;基于农村熟人社会所构建的社会网络使得电商技术在农村传播更加便利,技能在村民中相互学习。借助电商平台和熟人社会的特性,大多农民首先选择进入低壁垒和低风险的销售环节,在该环节实现资本和技术的累积之后逐步向生产环节和制造企业集聚。随着其规模的扩张,产业链出现了专业化分工与协作,进一步促进了集群的形成。<br>Though some rural areas are not equipped with industrial foundation, with the help of e-commerce, these areas have developed distinctive industrial clusters from scratch. This study targets at Taobao villages of Shaji town in Jiangsu. On the basis of field investigation, this study analyzes the formation mechanism of rural distinctive industrial clusters under the background of e-commerce. The research found that the rural characteristic industrial cluster grows up relying on the e-commerce platform, and the e-commerce platform plays an important role in the formation of Taobao villages for it effectively solves farmers’ problems on market access. Social network based on the social construction of rural acquaintances provides a convenient environment for the diffusion of technologies here, so that skills about opening online stores, processing and manufacturing spread rapidly among villagers. With the characteristics of e-commerce platform and acquaintance society, most peasants first choose to enter the low risk and low risk sales link after the accumulation of capital and technology in the sales segment. As the scale expands, according to the industrial chain, a specialization of labor has emerged, further promoting the formation of clusters. %K 电商平台 熟人社会 农村特色产业集群 “淘宝村” 沙集< %K br> %K e-commerce platform acquaintance society rural distinctive industrial clusters “Taobao village” Shaji %U http://www.xnxbs.net/xbnlkjdxskb/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180507&flag=1