%0 Journal Article %T 托管经营:小农经营现代化的新走向<br>Entrust Operation: New Trend of Modernization of Peasant Economy in Cash Crops %A 曾红萍 %J 西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 农业托管为小农经济持续稳定发展提供了可行路径。农业托管企业通过优化配置小农户的技术、劳动力、土地、资金等生产要素,为小农农业现代化助力。研究发现,论是全托模式还是半托模式,都在很大程度上解决了小农户种植过程中生产要素缺失问题,其产生的显著收益是小农户参加农业托管的主要动力。农业企业通过向农户销售农资和实施标准化技术管理来提高果品质量,从而从农业的上游和下游获得利润是其提供托管服务的主要动力。农业托管契合了小农经营在现代化转型中的现实需求,确保了小农经营收益和产权的稳定和长久,表现出较强的生命力。<br>Entrust provides a feasible way for the modernization of small scale agriculture. In entrust service, agricultural enterprises provide assistance to the modernization of smallholder agriculture by reconfiguring the technological, labor, land, capital and other production factors of smallholder farmers. The study found that both the totality model and the half model, compared with the original production model, have largely solved the problem of the lack of production factors in the planting process of small farmers and improved the farmers’ income. The essence of entrust is to re-optimize the allocation of agricultural key production factors in smallholder management, and its significant income is the main driving force for smallholder to participate in agricultural trusteeship. For agribusiness, by selling agricultural packages to farmers and standardizing planting techniques to control the quality of the fruit, making profit from agriculture upstream and downstream, and it's the main motivation for agribusiness to provide entrust services to small farmers. Entrust complies with the actual needs of smallholder management in the process of agricultural modernization transformation and shows strong vitality. %K 托管 半托管 农业公司 农户 生产要素< %K br> %K full entrust mode half entrust mode agricultural corporation peasant production factor %U http://www.xnxbs.net/xbnlkjdxskb/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180506&flag=1