%0 Journal Article %T 精准扶贫背景下资产收益扶贫的现实表达与制度回应<br>Realistic Expression and Systems Response of Poverty Alleviation Through Assets Income Under Background of Targeted Poverty Alleviation %A 杨 %A 青 %A 贵 %J 西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 资产收益扶贫形成于中国精准扶贫战略实践,是股份制理论与当代中国扶贫实践相结合的产物,具有助推精准扶贫的优势功能。但目前以股份制为核心的资产收益扶贫理论研究缺乏,与资产收益扶贫实践之间并未形成较好的融合,面临理论支撑不够、扶贫资源边界不清且持续性不足、运行模式缺乏多样化、实施有效性弱和动力不强、相关规定缺乏协同等问题。这就需要从理论建构、准入制度建设、权利设计与运行、收益公平分享、有效监管、风险防治等方面予以制度回应。<br>Poverty alleviation through assets income is formed in China’s practices of targeted poverty alleviation, which is the result of the integration of stock system theory and practices of poverty alleviation in China. However, the current related research is still missing and seriously lags behind the practices, and the related practices clearly show the realistic predicaments, such as insufficient theoretical support, the border of poverty alleviation resources is not clear and persistent, the lack of diversification of operation mode, ineffectiveness and underpowered of the implementation, lack of coordination in relevant regulations, and so on. It is necessary to construct related systems. Specific measures include theoretical construction, access systems construction, right design and exercise, fair income sharing, effective supervision, and risk prevention and control. %K 资产收益 精准扶贫 法理阐释 制度回应< %K br> %K assets income targeted poverty alleviation legal interpretation systems response %U http://www.xnxbs.net/xbnlkjdxskb/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180205&flag=1