%0 Journal Article %T 高温胁迫下高山杜鹃的生理生化响应<br>Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Rhododendron lapponicum to Heat Stress %A 李小玲 %A 雒玲玲 %A 华智锐 %J 西北农业学报 %D 2018 %R 10.7606/j.issn.1004-1389.2018.02.013 %X 通过对不同温度胁迫后的高山杜鹃叶子的各项生理指标的测定,探讨其生理指标的敏感因子、伤害或保护机理,摸索出高山杜鹃适宜的胁迫温度,为杜鹃的引种驯化和人工栽培提供依据。采用人工模拟气候鉴定法,对高山杜鹃热害指数及生理生化指标进行测定及分析。与对照相比,高山杜鹃的SOD、CAT和POD活性随温度的升高而升高,同一温度下SOD、CAT和POD的活性随时间推移呈先升高后降低的趋势,MDA质量摩尔浓度呈不断升高的趋势,而叶绿素质量分数不断降低,且单因素方差分析显示,以上各生理指标受温度影响显著。综上,温度对高山杜鹃的影响较大,能极大改变其细胞膜通透性及降低叶绿素质量分数,而高山杜鹃幼苗能通过增强POD、SOD、CAT的活性清除因胁迫积累的过氧化氢及活性氧,以维持细胞内活性氧产生和清除之间的平衡,保护细胞膜的稳定性,进而提高对高温逆境的抗性。<br>Various physiological indexes of Rhododendron lapponicum leaves under different temperature stress in growth chamber were measured to investigate sensitive physiological index related to injury,or protection mechanism,and to explore the suitable temperature for Rhododendron lapponicum introduction,domestication and artificial cultivation. The results showed that the physiological indexes were significantly affected by temperature. Compared with the control,the activities of SOD,CAT and POD of Rhododendron lapponicum rose with the increase of temperature,the activity of SOD,CAT and POD at the same temperature was reduced after the first rise over time,the MDA molality showed a trend of rising,and the chlorophyll mass fraction had a trend of declining.The research showed that temperature can greatly change the cell membrane permeability and decrease chlorophyll mass fraction on Rhododendron. Rhododendron lapponicum seedling will enhance the activity of POD,SOD,and CAT,clearing up the accumulated hydrogen peroxide and reactive oxygen in stress, maintaining the balance of production and clearance of active oxygen in cells and protecting the stability of cell membrane,and thus improve the resistance to heat stress. %K 高温胁迫 高山杜鹃 生理生化指标 抗性< %K br> %K Heat stress Rhododendron lapponicum Physiological and biochemical index Resistance %U http://xbnyxb.alljournals.cn/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180213&flag=1