%0 Journal Article %T ELECTROCHEMICAL DEPOSITION OF THIN SEMICONDUCTIVE Mo¨CS FILMS %A V.A.Majidzade %A S.F.Cafarova %A A.Sh.Aliyev %A N.B.Farhatova %A Y.A.Nuriyev %A D.B.Tagiyev %J Azerbaijan Cjemical Journal %P 6-13 %@ 2522-1841 %D 2019 %R 10.32737/0005-2531-2019-1-6-13 %X The electrolytic co-deposition of thin Mo¨CS semiconductive films from aqueous electrolytes has been studied. The potential region for electrolytic co-deposition of molybdenum with sulphur was determined with the technical drawing of cyclic polarization curves by the potentiodynamic method on Pt and Ni supports. Samples of electrolytic co-deposition of molybdenum with sulphur were also obtained using a galvanostatic method on Ni supports. X-ray phase analysis of the obtained samples indicated to the formation of chemical compound of MoS2 composition %K MoS2 %K polarization %K thin films %K electrodeposition %K semiconductors %U http://akj.az/uploads/documents/VMajidzadeh.pdf