%0 Journal Article %T 论农村宅基地中的资源冗余<br>On Resource Redundancy of Rural Residential Land %A 贺雪峰 %J 华中农业大学学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 农民进城后的宅基地是否退出,是当前一个时期学界和政策部门关注的焦点问题之一。当前正在进行的三项农村土地制度改革中,宅基地制度改革尤其是宅基地退出改革受到普遍关注。主流观点认为,农民进城后应当及时有偿退出宅基地,这样就可以节约宝贵的土地资源,同时可以让进城获得退出宅基地的补偿,带着财产进城。问题是,中国现在发展阶段,进城农民仍然保留与农村千丝万缕的联系,甚至可能在进城失败后退回农村。在农民进城后一段时间仍然保留农村宅基地,而不是将宅基地退出复垦为耕地,这并非是浪费而是农民进城的保险,是农民的基本保障。或者说这是应对农民进城万一失败的必要“浪费”,是合理的资源冗余。<br>Whether the rural residential land exits or not after farmers enter the city has become a focus for both academic and policy departments during the period of time.Among the three rural land reforms which are currently underway,the reform of rural residential land,especially the reform of exit of rural residential land have received universal attention.The mainstream view believes that rural residential land should be exited in a timely and compensable manner after farmers enter the city,which can both save valuable land resources and give those farmers corresponding compensations.But the problem is that now China is in the developing stage,farmers who enter the city still keep an inextricable link with the countryside and they may even return to the countryside after they fail in the business or something like that in the cities.Therefore,rural residential land should still be preserved for a certain period of time after those farmers enter the city,instead of reclaiming rural residential land into cultivated land.This is not a waste but an insurance and also a guarantee for farmers.We can also say that this is a “necessary” waste for farmers who enter the city in case they fail in the city and it is a reasonable resource redundancy. %K 土地制度改革 宅基地制度 资源冗余 城市化< %K br> %K land system reform system of rural residential land resource redundancy urbanization %U http://hnxbl.cnjournals.net/hznydxsk/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180401&flag=1