%0 Journal Article %T 网络公益众筹中个人救助的参与效果何以评价?——兼论认同性危机的消弭之道<br>How to Evaluate the Participation of Personal Assistance in Online Public Welfare Crowdfunding?——On the Way to Eliminate the Identity Crisis %A 匡亚林 %J 华中农业大学学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 新时代网络公益众筹以其便捷性、可及性、延展性等优势激活了社会网络“差序格局”中的社会资本,为生活困难、深陷困境的个体提供了“弱有所扶”的防护线和安全网,但“互联网+”公益众筹中屡屡出现的诈捐、骗捐行为以致网络公益救助面临认同危机。文章从完善网络公益众筹的信息等级筛选机制、构建网络公益众筹认同性的参与效果评价机制入手,以轻松筹平台的公益众筹案例作为研究对象进行评估,提出嵌入式“互联网+”公益众筹信息等级的评估方案,统筹推进社会救助与慈善救助有效衔接的制度安排以及完善慈善相关立法等治理对策,针对公益众筹中的诈捐、骗捐现象提出风险防范与危机消弭之道。<br>In the new era,online public welfare crowdfunding has activated the social capital in the “differential pattern” of social networks with its advantages of convenience,accessibility and scalability,providing help for individuals stuck with living difficulties and diseases. Protection line and safety net. However,the repeated occurance of charity fraud has led to the identification crisis of online public welfare assistance. After improving the information level screening mechanism of network public welfare crowdfunding and constructing the evaluation mechanism of participation effect of network public welfare crowdfunding,this paper conducts a case study on Easy Financing Platform,an APP featured by public donation,and further proposes the evaluation plan for the embedded Internet+public welfare crowdfunding,so as to promote the institutional arrangement of the effective connection between the social assistance and the charity assistance system. The Charity Law and other countermeasures should be improved to lower the risk and eliminate the crisis of charity fraud in public welfare crowdfunding. %K 慈善救助 公益众筹 诈捐 认同性 轻松筹< %K br> %K charity assistance public welfare crowdfunding fraudulent donation identity Easy Financing %U http://hnxbl.cnjournals.net/hznydxsk/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180617&flag=1