%0 Journal Article %T 小檗碱药理作用研究进展
Progress in Pharmacological Effects of Berberine %A 付梦蕾 %A 曲有乐 %A 胡文祥 %J Journal of Comparative Chemistry %P 125-133 %@ 2574-4135 %D 2018 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CC.2018.24015 %X
小檗碱(berberine, Ber),是从毛莨科黄连属植物黄连的根和皮中提取的异喹啉类生物碱,有较强的清热解毒作用。近年来研究表明,小檗碱不仅在抗菌、抗炎等方面有显著疗效,对肿瘤、糖尿病、心血管方面的疾病也有很高的临床应用价值,本文主要对小檗碱的药理作用综述如下。
Berberine (Ber), also known as berberine, is oquinoline alkaloid extracted from the roots and skin of Coptis chinensis, which has a strong heat-clearing and detoxifying effect. In recent years, studies have shown that berberine has not only remarkable effects in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory aspects, but also has high clinical application value for diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. This article reviews the pharmacological studies of berberine.
%K 小檗碱,药理作用,研究进展
Berberine %K Pharmacological Effects %K Research Progress %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=27235