%0 Journal Article %T 降糖降脂药物研究进展
Progress in Hypoglycemic and Lipid-Lowering Drugs %A 李博 %A 胡文祥 %J Journal of Comparative Chemistry %P 142-160 %@ 2574-4135 %D 2018 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CC.2018.24017 %X
Diabetes and hyperlipidemia are important diseases that threaten human health. The research on related drugs and their targets has been paid close attention. This article mainly describes the targets of 9 hypoglycemic drugs and the targets of 9 lipid-lowering drugs, as well as a brief intro-duction of some drugs related to the targets.
%K 降糖药物,降脂药物,作用靶点,药理作用
Hypoglycemic Drugs %K Lipid-Lowering Drugs %K Target %K Pharmacological Activity %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=27371