%0 Journal Article %T The Process of Self-Realization¡ªFrom the Humanist Psychology Perspective %A Marinela Rusu %J Psychology %P 1095-1115 %@ 2152-7199 %D 2019 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/psych.2019.108071 %X Humanistic psychology has provided a series of fundamental theories about human personality and its development. Prominent representatives such as A. Maslow, C. Rogers or R. Assagiolli, along with the psychoanalyst C. G. Jung, have defined the basic concepts that help us today to better understand the individual evolutionary path from intuitive thinking structures and primary group integration, to elements of metacognition, creativity and integration into society through high moral values. Self-realization is a complex process that needs to be addressed from a number of perspectives, to provide a more complex and true picture of how individual development takes place. The paper aims to identify the role of family, interpersonal relationships, to understand which are the functions of knowledge and emotional experiences during development and actualization of individual¡¯s own potential. Achieving self-realization involves going through some stages, overcoming various difficulties and, above all, practicing self-regulation over individual emotions and behaviors. Education also provides the logical-scientific basis of going beyond the stages of self-realization, it provides insight and understanding, but it also means overcoming the theoretical boundaries, through personal involvement in actions that reflect moral and humanistic values. Positive and active approaches are ways that lead to self-realization. %K Self-Realization %K Self-Actualization %K Personality %K Moral Values %K Motivation %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=93327