%0 Journal Article %T 浅析大宗商品现货电商平台的成功运营之道
Analysis on the Successful Operation of Spot Bulk Commodity E-Commerce Platform %A 马法宪 %J Modern Marketing %P 38-43 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2019 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2019.93006 %X 大宗商品现货电商平台在大宗商品的原产地设立为宜,大宗商品现货电商平台的合约设计非常重要,它关乎现货合约金融化的程度,为便利客户交割款货,大宗商品现货电商平台应当入市交易,这不但提高了大宗商品现货电商平台的信用,而且还为客户交割款货提供了方便,大宗商品现货电商平台应当根据大宗商品的特性及社会需求弹性等指标保持现货的适度金融化,大宗商品现货电商平台可以利用业务规则赋予的权利限制客户的过度投机行为,大宗商品现货电商平台的最高管理人责任重大、义务繁多、使命光荣。
It is appropriate for the spot bulk commodity-commerce platform to be established in the origin of commodities, and its contract design plays an important role in the financialization of spot contracts. In order to facilitate customers to complete the delivery of commodities and payments, the platform should be accessed to the market and have a hand in transactions, which will also improve the credit of the spot bulk commodity e-commerce platform. The spot bulk commodity e-commerce platform, whose top managers have great responsibilities, numerous obligations and glorious mission, should maintain moderate financialization of the spot according to the characteristics of the commodity and the elasticity of social demand and use the rights granted by business rules to restrict customers' excessive speculation.

%K 大宗商品,电商平台,金融化,资源配置
Bulk Commodity %K E-Commerce Platform %K Financialization %K Resource Allocation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=31928