%0 Journal Article %T Continuity Equation in Presence of a Non-Local Potential in Non-Commutative Phase-Space %A Ilyas Haouam %J Open Journal of Microphysics %P 15-28 %@ 2162-2469 %D 2019 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojm.2019.93003 %X
We studied the continuity equation in presence of a local potential, and a non-local potential arising from electron-electron interaction in both commutative and non-commutative phase-space. Furthermore, we examined the influence of the phase-space non-commutativity on both the locality and the non-locality, where the definition of current density in commutative phase-space cannot satisfy the condition of current conservation, but with the steady state, in order to solve this problem, we give a new definition of the current density including the contribution due to the non-local potential. We showed that the calculated current based on the new definition of current density maintains the current. As well for the case when the non- commutativity in phase-space considered, we found that the conservation of the current density completely violated; and the non-commutativity is not suitable for describing the current density in presence of non-local and local potentials. Nevertheless, under some conditions, we modified the current density to solve this problem. Subsequently, as an application we studied the Frahn-Lemmer non-local potential, taking into account that the employed methods concerning the phase-space non-commutativity are both of Bopp-shift linear transformation through the Heisenberg-like commutation relations, and the Moyal-Weyl product.
%K Continuity Equation %K Non-Local Potential %K Non-Commutative Schrö %K dinger Equation %K Phase-Space Non-Commutativity %K Frahn-Lemmer Potential %K Moyal Product %K Bopp-Shift Linear Transformation %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=94712