%0 Journal Article %T Nanosized Au Catalysts Supported on Mg(OH)<sub>2</sub>-CeO<sub>2</sub> for Preferential Oxidation of CO in Hydrogen Stream %A Yu-Wen Chen %A Anton S. Brichkov %A Vladmir V. Kozik %J Modern Research in Catalysis %P 11-23 %@ 2168-4499 %D 2019 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/mrc.2019.82002 %X Preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in the presence of hydrogen (PROX) is a promising method to remove CO from a hydrogen-containing gas mixture. Nanosized gold catalyst supported on CeO2 and modified with Mg(OH)2 was used for preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in hydrogen-rich stream in this study. Mg(OH)2 was added on CeO2 by incipient-wetness impregnation. Au was loaded on Mg(OH)2-CeO2 by deposition-precipitation method. PROX reaction was carried out in a continuous flow, fixed bed reactor. CO/O2 feed ratio was fixed at 1 to magnify the difference of various catalysts. The catalysts were characterized by N2 sorption, TEM, HR-TEM and XPS. Mg(OH)2 formed a thin layer on the surface of CeO2. CeO2 was in the crystalline phase and Mg(OH)2 was amorphous. Au particles were homogeneously dispersed on the support with a size of 2 - 5 nm. Using CeO2 as