%0 Journal Article %T 弯曲水生植物周围的水流变化特征研究
Effect of Bending Deformation of Submerged Flexible Vegetation on Flow Characteristics %A 王梦 %A 谢立全 %A 李艳红 %J Open Journal of Soil and Water Conservation %P 59-70 %@ 2334-3435 %D 2019 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJSWC.2019.74009 %X 为了研究弯曲水生植物对水流影响机制,开展室内水槽试验。试验利用特制金属铝片模拟弯曲水生植物,并在5种不同流量工况下分别对单棵水生植物、横断面分布和纵向布置多种工况下的群体水生植物进行了试验。结果表明,弯曲的水生植物会使得水流在其背水侧产生不同程度的漩涡并且对水流产生阻碍作用,并在茎部和冠部区域处产生不同影响,其中茎部影响要远小于冠部的影响,同时影响的范围会随着植物的弯曲变形发生变化。
To study the influence of bending deformation of submerged flexible vegetation on water flow, model tests were carried out in an indoor water flume. The special aluminum flakes were used to simulate the bending deformation of submerged flexible vegetation. And the models in a single plant, lateral arrangement and longitudinal arrangement were tested under five different flow conditions. The results show that the flexible vegetation causes the water flow eddies in different degrees on the backwater side and have different hindering effects between the stem and crown regions. Effect of the stem is much less than the crown regions. At the same time, the range of in-fluence changes with bending deformation of the vegetation. %K 生态水利,弯曲植物,水流特征,植物分布
Ecological Water Conservancy %K Flexible Vegetation %K Flow Characteristics %K Vegetation Distribution %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=33033