%0 Journal Article %T How They Moved and Lifted Heavy Stones to Build the Great Pyramid %A Akio Kato %J Archaeological Discovery %P 47-62 %@ 2331-1967 %D 2020 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ad.2020.81003 %X We present a new feasible theory about how the ancient Egyptians moved and lifted heavy stones and how they built the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2500 BC, from the viewpoint of energy management taking account of the vast quantity of the stones needed for the Pyramid. We give our solutions to the following three mysteries of the Pyramid: 1) How they could overcome the difficulty in making the four straight edges of the Pyramid meet in one point, high up in the sky? 2) Why all of chambers and passages (the King¡¯s and the Queen¡¯s chambers, the Grand Gallery and other passages), except the Subterranean chamber, are away from the central axis about seven meters eastwards? 3) For what purpose they dug the Subterranean Chamber, thirty meters deep? %K Great Pyramid %K Nucleus %K Statics %K Energy Efficiency %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=96440