%0 Journal Article %T Association between Children¡¯s Saving Account and Parent Rated Children¡¯s Health: A Preliminary Study %A Anao Zhang %A Zibei Chen %A Kaipeng Wang %A William Elliott %A So¡¯phelia Morrow %J Sociology Mind %P 1-14 %@ 2160-0848 %D 2020 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/sm.2020.101001 %X Children¡¯s Savings Accounts (CSAs) are interventions designed to build educational assets for school-age children. The positive effects of having a CSA has been established for mental health and developmental outcomes, yet no studies to date have examined how CSAs affect children¡¯s physical health. This study uses data from Harold Alfond College Challenge, the oldest and one of the most well-known CSA programs in the United States, to evaluate the association between a CSA and children¡¯s physical health status measured by parent-rated children¡¯s health. Results indicate CSA ownership is associated with a greater chance of reporting excellent or very good health than those families who did not receive a CSA. Implications on research and CSA programs are discussed. %K Children¡¯s Savings Account %K Financial Security %K Parent-Rated Children¡¯s Health %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=96568