%0 Journal Article %T Setting up a Customized Electronic Health Record System Fit for Internal Medicine in Dakar, Senegal %A Baidy S. Y. Kane %A Mamour Gueye %A Mohamed Dieng %A Atoumane Faye %A Awa Cheikh Ndao %A Nafissatou Diagne %A Abdoulaye Pouye %J E-Health Telecommunication Systems and Networks %P 35-42 %@ 2167-9525 %D 2019 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/etsn.2019.84004 %X Objective: Describe the design and implementation of an electronic medical record¡ªE-INTMED¡ªcustomized for Internal Medicine in Dakar, Senegal. Methodology: This study was carried out in a public teaching hospital in Dakar Senegal. It entailed collaboration between physicians specialized in various fields in Internal Medicine and Computer Scientists to carry out the compilation of data and their electronic transcription to produce a prototype which met users¡¯ needs. Results: E-INTMED software is structured around several hierarchical tables allowing users to register and store all relevant patients¡¯ information. E-INTMED structures patient¡¯s data to provide a clear overview of their medical history and users¡¯ activity performance. E-INTMED makes medical users¡¯ life so much easier. Users can generate and send letters and prescriptions quickly and efficiently using the customized templates which they can modify or create new ones. In addition to these capabilities, all of the features expected in an Internal Medicine EHR are handled by E-INTMED, such as lab orders and results, mechanisms for continuity of care, embedding and access to images and documents, and so much more. E-INTMED provides medical students with a number of educational, practical and administrative advantages. Conclusion: Computerization of medical records has become a necessity today. Crossing the line to Electronic medical records could help to improve medical practice and medical training. %K Internal Medicine %K Electronic Medical Record %K Dakar %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=98395