%0 Journal Article %T 试论中兽医中药对生猪复养工作的重要作用
Discussion on the Important Role of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine in Resuming Production of Live Pig %A 雷丽华 %J Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine %P 11-18 %@ 2169-8902 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACRPVM.2020.92002 %X
中国的中兽医中药学博大精深,近年来中兽医中药发挥了防治非洲猪瘟重要作用。本文就“治未病”、“正气存内,邪不可干”中兽医辨证施治和“君臣佐使”处方原则,配制防制非瘟的中药处方。对中药防治疫病特点、抗病毒的成分、作用机理、中药与西药不同点及各地运用中药防治非洲猪瘟情况,进行了研究。介绍了湖南省洞口县生猪复养工作开展情况,筛选了3个防治非洲猪瘟中药处方作为洞口县生猪复养技术支撑。收集了治疗登革热、新型冠状病毒肺炎等5例中药抗病毒病例和防治非洲猪瘟中药方制剂(药品) 12个。提出了整合和筛选防治非洲猪瘟中药处方地方资源,科研院校发挥国家队作用,验证和试验中药防治非瘟效果,尽快研制出有效的防治非瘟中药复方制剂药品的建议。
The Chinese veterinary medicine in the motherland is extensive and profound. In recent years, Chinese veterinary medicine has played an important role in preventing and controlling African swine fever. This article on “cure disease”, “positive gas deposits, evil cannot be dry” in the veterinary syndrome differentiation and “King minister to make” prescription principle, to prepare the prescription of Chinese medicine to prevent non-plague. The characteristics, antiviral components, mechanism of action, differences between Chinese medicine and Western medicine and the use of Chinese medicine to prevent and treat African swine fever were studied. This paper introduces the development of pig rebreeding in Dongkou County, Hunan province, and selects three prescriptions for preventing and treating African swine fever as technical support for pig reraising in Dongkou County. We collected 5 cases of anti-virus disease treated by traditional Chinese medicine, such as dengue fever, new coronavirus pneumonia, and 12 Chinese medicines for the prevention and control of African swine fever. This paper puts forward the suggestion of integrating and screening local resources for the prescription of Chinese medicine for prevention and treatment of swine fever in Africa, playing the role of national team, verifying and testing the effect of Chinese medicine on prevention and treatment of non-plague, and developing effective drugs for prevention and treatment of non-plague Chinese medicine compound as soon as possible.
%K 中兽医辨证施治,中药复方制剂,防治非洲猪瘟,生猪复养,重要作用
Dialectical Treatment of Chinese Veterinarians %K Chinese Medicine Compound Preparations %K Prevention and Treatment of African Swine Fever %K Pig Breeding %K Important Role %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=34403