%0 Journal Article %T 舰船辐射噪声响度特征传播稳定性研究
Research on Loudness Feature Translation Stability of Ship Radiated Noise %A 苏晓乐 %A 吕杨 %A 韩庆伟 %J Open Journal of Acoustics and Vibration %P 139-144 %@ 2328-0522 %D 2019 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJAV.2019.74015 %X
Feature extraction is an important preliminary work for target recognition and classification. It is particularly important to extract stable features from channel distortion. Firstly, based on the basic theory of human hearing, this paper extracts the loudness feature of the ship’s radiation noise. Secondly based on the ray theory, the multi-path parameters of the channel are obtained by MATLAB simulation. Finally, the ship’s radiation noise is processed through the multi-channel, and the loudness feature of different channels is extracted and compared. The results show that when the ship noise propagates in shallow sea multi-path channel, its loudness characteristic is larger and more complex when the propagation distance is large. The influence of receiving depth on the loudness characteristic is much smaller, and the change of sound velocity gradient will also have a greater impact on the loudness characteristic. It shows that loudness feature is not a stable and reliable recognition feature, which deserves attention in sonar target recognition.
%K 响度特征,特征稳定性,舰船辐射噪声
Loudness Feature %K Feature Stabilization %K Ship Radiated Noise %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=33091