%0 Journal Article %T 试论兽医临床正确使用地塞米松方法
On the Correct Use of Dexamethasone in Veterinary Clinical %A 肖和良 %A 文贵辉 %J Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine %P 67-72 %@ 2169-8902 %D 2019 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACRPVM.2019.84010 %X
Dexamethasone has anti-inflammatory, anti-shock, anti-allergic, anti-toxin and other effects. However, it is not advisable to use dexamethasone as a universal drug in veterinary clinical practice. Improper use can cause adverse consequences such as hypokalemia, osteoporosis, immunosup-pression, maternal abortion, and defensive collapse. This article discusses dexamethasone proper use method, applicable disease, dosage, frequency of use, compatibility taboo, toxic side effects of improper use and case introduction judgment. Through investigation of 476 cases of dexame-thasone treatment in Dongkou County from 2015 to 2018, 162 cases of dexamethasone improper use and mismatched cases accounted for 34.03%, and the correct case of dexamethasone in veterinary clinical accounted for 65.97%, for reference by our veterinary colleagues.
%K 地塞米松,药理作用,使用方法,配伍禁忌,毒副反应,病例介绍
Dexamethasone %K Pharmacology %K Use Methods %K Compatibility Taboos %K Toxic Side Effects %K Case Introduction %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=32579