%0 Journal Article %T 基于拟南芥DNA序列的变值统计可视化分析
The Visual Analysis of Variables Statistic Based on Arabidopsis DNA Sequences %A 周影平 %A 罗佳 %A 袁鑫 %A 邱国宸 %A 曲恒熠 %A 郑智捷 %J Hans Journal of Computational Biology %P 39-47 %@ 2164-5434 %D 2019 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJCB.2019.93006 %X
With the development of plant genome sequencing, Arabidopsis gene sequencing has received great attention from all over the world for its great scientific research value. At the same time, the research on the sequence of Arabidopsis gene has been greatly advanced. Because of the specific and complex of traditional genetic representations, we try to use a more intuitive and universal genetic variable mapping system. Using this model, after preprocessing the DNA sequence obtained from the gene pool, we count the number of bases A, C, G, and T and calculate the number of AG, and AT. Then the quantity is projected into a two-dimensional or three-dimensional image which can observe the characteristics of the DNA sequence of Arabidopsis. As can be seen from the series of diagrams given, the new statistical distribution results provide basic information for subsequent similarity analysis of gene sequences and higher dimensional studies.
%K 拟南芥,DNA序列,变值图示,可视化
Arabidopsis %K DNA Sequence %K Variable Diagram %K Visuali-zation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=32018