%0 Journal Article %T 影响高压电缆护层环流的因素分析
High-Voltage Cable Sheath Induced Voltage and Circulation Current Analysis %A 朱向东 %A 沈聿农 %A 刘宁 %J Transmission and Distribution Engineering and Technology %P 94-101 %@ 2325-1573 %D 2019 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/TDET.2019.83012 %X

First of all, the calculation equivalent circuit of the cross-interconnect grounding is established; through mathematical analysis, the circulation current and induced voltage through the metal sheath of the three-phase high voltage cable are deduced. And assign parameters calculate the circulation current of the sheath under MATLAB. Further from a single loop to a double loop, an equivalent circuit for the calculation of double loop circulation is established. In the case of double loop, considering the factors that affect the mutual influence of the core current and the sheath circulation current, the calculation formulae of the induced voltage and the circulation current of the sheath are given. The size of the sheath circulation current in three different cases was calcu-lated, and the influence of three different factors on the sheath circulation current was discussed.

%K 双回路,感应电压,护层环流
Double Circuit %K Induced Voltage %K Sheath Circulation Current %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=31996