%0 Journal Article %T 索洛余值结合多元回归对我国快递行业经济增长因素的实证分析
An Empirical Analysis of Solow Residual Value Combined with Multivariate Regression on the Factors of Economic Growth in China’s Logistics Industry %A 侯孟杰 %A 李秀森 %J Modern Marketing %P 17-21 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2019 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2019.93003 %X 我们讨论快递行业的经济增长情况,本文根据柯布道格劳斯生产函数,利用统计软件SPSS进行多元回归分析,运用“索罗余值”法计算各要素投入对快递行业总产出的贡献率;并由此引入各影响因素建立经济增长模型,从而对快递行业总产出进行经济增长因素分析,结果比较符合实际。
We discuss the economic growth of express industry. According to Cobb Douglas production func-tion, this paper uses SPSS to carry out multiple regression analysis, calculates the contribution rate of each factor input to the total output of express industry by Solow Remainder Method, and then introduces various factors to establish economic growth model, so as to analyze the economic growth factors of the total output of express industry. The results are quite in line with the reality. %K 快递行业,索洛模型,C-D生产函数,多元回归分析
Express Industry %K Solow Model %K C-D Production Function %K Multivariate Regression Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=31524