%0 Journal Article %T 对“东水西送”工程可行性及方案探讨
Discussion on Feasibility and Scheme of the Project for Diverting Bohai Sea Water from the East to the West %A 徐明毅 %J Open Journal of Soil and Water Conservation %P 33-41 %@ 2334-3435 %D 2019 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJSWC.2019.72005 %X 为解决西北地区水资源短缺问题,“东水西送”工程设想将渤海水经内蒙古引入新疆,填充沙漠中的封闭构造盆地,得到一系列人造海,可以发挥压沙、增湿、提盐、调温、蓄能、养殖等功能,对其中工程难度、运行耗能、盐碱化、水汽损失、资金投入等问题进行了探讨,并综合霍有光方案和陈昌礼方案,建议将工程分为六期,由近及远,分步实施。
In order to solve the shortage of water resources in the northwest region, the “East to West Water Divert” project is envisaged which introduces Bohai Sea water into Xinjiang through Inner Mongolia. The enclosed structural basins in the desert will be filled by sea water to obtain lots of artificial seas, which have functions of sand restriction, increasing humidity, salt extraction, temperature regulation, energy storage, breeding, etc. The problems of engineering difficulty, energy consump-tion during operation, salinization, water vapor loss, capital investment, etc. are discussed. Based on Huo Youguang’s proposal and Chen Changli’s proposal, it is suggested that the project be divided into six phases and implemented from near to far step by step. %K 罗布泊,水资源,沙尘暴,引渤入疆,抽水蓄能
Lop Nor %K Water Resources %K Sandstorm %K Diverting Bohai Sea Water into Xinjiang %K Pumped Energy Storage %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=30814