%0 Journal Article %T 低风速条件下风力机叶片翼型气动性能对比及分析
Aerodynamic Performances of the Wind Turbine Airfoils in the Condition of Low Wind Speed %A 张缘 %A 叶建军 %A 黄晓宏 %A 姬如一 %A SalemShehab %A 余将存 %A 洪妍 %A 胡斯尧 %A 李文君 %J International Journal of Fluid Dynamics %P 1-8 %@ 2328-0549 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJFD.2020.81001 %X 本文主要考察NACA4412,S8037,S1091三种风力机叶片翼型在低风速条件下的气动性能。首先,针对这三种翼型构建了CFD流体动力学模型并进行数值验证;其次,通过数值仿真研究对比了三种翼型在低风速、不同攻角条件下的速度和流线特性云图,并分析了各自在大攻角下的流动分离特征;最后,研究了三种翼形在不同工况下的升阻特性,分析了风速和攻角对于气动性能的影响规律。本文通过三种翼型在低风速条件下的气动性能的对比研究,为低风速风力机设计和优化提供了参考。
In this paper, the aerodynamic performances of the NACA4412, S8037, S1091 airfoils are studied respectively. Firstly, CFD fluid dynamics models are constructed for these three airfoils. Secondly, velocity and streamline characteristics are studied and compared under low wind speed and different angles of attack through numerical simulation. The characteristics of flow separation are analyzed respectively at a high angle of attack. Finally, the lift-drag characteristics are researched in different conditions. Furthermore, the influence rule on aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils for different wind speeds and angles of attack is analyzed. This article provides a reference for the design and optimization of low-speed wind turbines by studying the aerodynamic performance of three kinds of airfoils. %K 低风速,叶片翼型,流动分离,气动特性,升阻比
Low Wind Speed %K Blade Airfoil %K Flow Separation %K Aerodynamic Characteristics %K Lift-Drag Ratio %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=34722