%0 Journal Article %T 煤矸石淋溶污染物传输动力学研究进展
Research Progress in Transport Kinetics of Coal Gangue Leaching Pollutants %A 张林宏 %A 安斌 %A 惠冰 %A 李艳召 %A 宋光远 %A 宋海民 %J Advances in Porous Flow %P 25-34 %@ 2164-5663 %D 2019 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/APF.2019.94004 %X

It is of great scientific significance to study the dynamic behavior of pollutant release and transport in coal gangue for pollutant emission reduction monitoring. This paper reviews the research progress of transport kinetics of coal gangue leaching pollutants in recent years. These mathematical models can be used to predict quantitatively the pollution intensity of coal gangue to soil and groundwater, and provide theoretical basis for the analysis of pollution mechanism of leaching solution and the proposal of pollution control measures.

%K 煤矸石,淋溶污染物,传输动力学,研究进展
Coal Gangue %K Leaching Pollutants %K Transport Kinetics %K Research Progress %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=34660