%0 Journal Article %T 基于游憩视角下山城步道体验提升策略研究——以重庆第三山城步道为例
Study on the Promotion Strategy of Mountain City Walkway from the Perspective of Recreation—A Case Study of the Third Mountain City Walkway of Chongqing %A 高源 %A 张云耀 %J Modern Marketing %P 26-31 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2020.102004 %X

Based on the recreational vision, the third Mountain City Walkway in Chongqing is selected as the research object, and the SWOT analysis of the recreation experience of the Mountain City Walkway is carried out by using the methods of field investigation and theoretical research. Combined with the characteristics of mountain city walkway and the method of five senses of experience stimulation, this paper puts forward the path of mountain city walkway experience promotion from the aspects of walking system, walking environment, cultural and natural land-scape characteristics, supporting infrastructure, ecological environment and so on. It is benefi-cial to the brand building of “Mountain City Walkway” in Chongqing to meet the increasing de-mand of people for the recreation experience of the track itself, and it is hoped that it will be helpful to the design and development of the recreation experience of the same type of moun-tain city Walkway.

%K 游憩,山城步道,重庆
Recreation %K Mountain City Walkway %K Chongqing %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=34866