%0 Journal Article %T 传感器在煤矸石资源利用中的运用
Application of Sensor in Utilization of Gangue %A 冉德钦 %A 安斌 %A 惠冰 %A 李艳召 %A 宋光远 %A 宋海民 %J Clean Coal and Energy %P 1-4 %@ 2334-3516 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CCE.2020.81001 %X
The coal gangue emissions in our country are very large; long-term storage occupies land and pol-lutes the environment. As a way of road foundation material, filling reclamation land, paste filling pipeline, power generation and other utilization, coal gangue can be turned into treasure to create value, and the application of sensors in it can promote this work. This paper summarizes the ap-plication of sensors in the utilization of Coal Gangue Resources in order to play a greater role.
%K 煤矸石,传感器,利用
Gangue %K Sensor %K Utilization %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=34752