%0 Journal Article %T Investigation of Quantum Entanglement through a Trapped Three Level Ion Accompanied with Beyond Lamb-Dicke Regime %A Rasim Dermez %J Journal of Quantum Information Science %P 23-35 %@ 2162-576X %D 2020 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jqis.2020.102003 %X In this study, our goal is to obtain the entanglement dynamics of trapped three-level ion interaction two laser beams in beyond Lamb-Dicke parameters. Three values of LDP, ¦Ē=0.09, ¦Ē=0.2 and ¦Ē=0.3 are given. We used the concurrence and the negativity to measure the amount of quantum entanglement created in the system. The interacting trapped ion led to the formation of phonons as a result of the coupling. In two quantum systems (ion-phonons), analytical formulas describing both these measurements are constructed. These formulas and probability coefficients include first order terms of final state vector. We report that long survival time of entanglement can be provided with two quantum measures. Negativity and concurrence maximum values are obtained N = 0.553 and for LDP = 0.3. As a similar, the other two values of LDP are determined and taken into account throughout this paper. For a more detailed understanding of entanglement measurement results, ”°contour plot”± was preferred in Mathematica 8. %K Entangled State %K Trapped Three-Level Ion %K Lamb-Dick Parameter %K Rabi Frequency %K Quantum Measures %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=100885