%0 Journal Article %T Tunable Floating Resistor Based on Current Inverting Differential Input Transconductance Amplifier %A Zainab Haseeb %A Dinesh Prasad %A Mainuddin   %A M. W. Akram %J Circuits and Systems %P 51-56 %@ 2153-1293 %D 2020 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/cs.2020.115005 %X This paper presents a floating resistor employing CIDITA (current inverting differential input transconductance amplifier). The proposed floating resistor is based on CMOS technology of 0.18 ¦Ìm. For the realization of this floating inductor, two CIDITA have been cascaded together, no other passive elements are used, giving advantage of reduced chip area and hence reduced losses. The given circuit topology has an advantage of realizing both positive and negative resistors. This paper presents a simple circuitry of floating resistor in which the value of resistance can be tuned by adjusting the gate voltage of MOSFET. The PSpice simulation result shows constant resistance of 1.6 K¦¸ for frequency bandwidth of 1 Hz to 1 MHz, with supply voltage of ¡À1.25 volts. %K Floating Resistor %K CDTA %K CIDITA %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=101577