%0 Journal Article %T Web Based Emergency Information System for Reporting and Tracking of COVID-19 Infected Persons %A Kanayo Kizito Uka %A Ikechukwu Stanley Oguoma %A Chekwube Alphonsus Chukwu %A Udochukwu Princewill Chuma-Uba %J E-Health Telecommunication Systems and Networks %P 17-32 %@ 2167-9525 %D 2020 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/etsn.2020.92002 %X Quick response to health related issues and reporting has been a huge problem associated with the Nigerian health sector especially when it comes to emergencies. The novel corona virus also known as COVID-19 has put not only the health practitioners into confusion but also to the general public. But in the fight for the solution of this huge pandemic, innovations and technological developments has also assisted in the fight to ensure that this deadly disease is defeated at once. Hence, this paper presents a web based emergency information system for reporting and tracking of COVID-19 infected persons as one of the innovations in fighting this infectious disease. The system is expected to provide a remote access for the general public to report any suspected person with COVID-19, enable questions to be asked, ensure that information on the case of infected and suspected persons with COVID-19 are tracked. This system was achieved following the Agile Model project development life-cycle and the Unified Modeling Language (UML) in respect to that, the front-end design was done with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML5), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), JavaScript (JS) and Bootstrap Frame work while the back-end development was achieved with Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP5), and My-Structural Query Language (MYSQL). The result after design was a responsive and web based friendly platform for suspected and infected persons of COVID-19 to be reported, tracked and managed remotely. %K Web-Based %K Infectious Illness %K Coronavirus %K Pandemic %K Information System %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=101785